Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Joy-Riding in the Car

My top human is always leaving lately, driving around the lesser humans. And I'm getting so-o lonely.buddy in the car

Yesterday, she grabbed my LEASH and said I could come too!! Oh boy! I love going out!

Maybe we will go to the BEACH. I love the beach, there's lots of OTHER DOGS to sniff, lots of trees to mark, and when I get thirsty, I can go down to the lake and get a drink!

Maybe we will go the to PARK. I love the park. Lots of great places to sniff & mark. And I always meet a new dog friend or two there.

dog in halloween costumeMaybe we will go the PetSmart! There's dog treats there, and dog food, and dog toys, and dog beds, and other dogs to meet!

Oh no, I hope she's not thinking of buying me a Halloween costume!? How embarrassing!

But no-o-o, we don't do anything fun!

One of the lesser humans forgot his lunch, so she drove to his school, handed his lunch to him, let me sniff around a bit & mark in this new place, and we had to get back in the car. Pupperoni

Then she goes home and makes herself some lunch too. What about me? What about this poor hungry dog? Ah, a treat for me!

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